There’s a thousand different Executive Groups for women, and let’s be honest…they all sound pretty much the same.
Amelia Network is Tactical, Practical, and Measurable
What makes this group different is that it is custom tailored to each member in the cohort. We don’t rely on prefabricated “accelerators” or “patented growth formulas.” Instead, we as a cohort choose what we work on together based on the problems and goals of the group. My role is to help guide the group, provide expertise, and facilitate the conversations to make sure you get the support you need to grow and steer your business.
Amelia Network is a safe space to share ideas and is focused on practical, tactical, tangible strategies that you can implement immediately. Once you implement, come back to the group with results and get input on how to tweak and improve. Think of it like your own private group of strategic executives that are here to help you succeed.
We don’t just focus on theory, we actually help you soar